an open source architectural beadwork project from Kate McKinnon and a worldwide team of innovators

PodCast video

Would you like to have a little class on Deconstruction, PodCast Beads, and Exploding Sets? This 45 minute session will show you all of these techniques.

Make your own PodCast Bead, and then learn how to cast a Rick-Rack Bangle off of it.
Enjoy, feel free to share, and please tag us in your social media posts so we can see your pieces, and consider them for sharing on our blog, Facebook page, or for inclusion in the CGB Volume III photo gallery.

Please leave questions in the comments here on the blog, and have fun!

About katemckinnon

Kate McKinnon has devoted herself to the study of how things are done, and how they could be done better.

33 comments on “PodCast video

  1. Anna
    August 27, 2018

    Thanks to the person who showed me where to find the rick rack start. I got it and i have finished it and it fits. Thanks you so much.

    • Kate
      March 7, 2021

      Hi Kate,
      I bought both your books direct from you a few years ago. I have not managed to do a Rick-Rack but I have just come across your PodCast video via my Bead Worker Guild journal in England. I have got to the end of you video but I am unsure how to deconstruct the initial ring & whether to just cut the bead off at the decrease edge. This is not covered in your books. Can you help please?

      • katemckinnon
        March 13, 2021

        Please move on to the next videos in the series – they are all free on our YouTube channel.. there is so much there for the curious.
        We just snip threads from the first round, or remove placeholder beads left along the way.
        Deconstruction will be in our next set of books, coming this fall.

        • Kate
          March 14, 2021

          Thank you for your information. I managed to detatch the Rick-Rack from the pod bead and finish my bracelet. I am pleased with it & now want to have a go at Double Rick-Rack. Your videos are very helpful. Thank you

  2. Anna
    August 21, 2018

    Hi Kate
    Figured it out it was a step at the 12th round which I missed. Also didn’t you have a video on how to start the rick rack on the podcast?>

  3. Anna Gaskins
    August 17, 2018

    Just wonder is there a way to save this pod since it is only the last row (12) that has a problem?

  4. Anna Gaskins
    August 17, 2018

    Hi Kate
    I did my pod but it seems that I cannot even out the top withj and even number on the sides. It seems that on side is coming up with one more bead on the peyote side and a top two beads (herringbone or ? or whatever the two top beads are called). Any suggestions?

    • katemckinnon
      August 17, 2018

      Pictures are always helpful, but it sounds like you missed a step-up, and are now spiraling into Infinity.

      • Anna Gaskins
        August 17, 2018

        Wish I could send a picture. All the other 11 rows are find it just that one row at the top of row 12 seems to want me to continue. So that one row is spiraling out of control, Thanks,.

  5. Pingback: Rick Rack Dodecahedron (with Tutorial!) | Bead Mechanics

  6. Sherry London
    May 6, 2018

    I am trying to figure out how I messed up sizing so badly. I have a very small hand so I created a 12-bead pod but only used 9 beads for the rick-rack. I had so much fun that I didn’t want to explode and when I did last night, I had worked 20 rounds. The rick-rack is horribly too small (on a lovely bracelet) Obviously, I will need to try this again and explode at 6 rows, but I am wondering if there is any way to figure out in advance (other than glove size) the number of beads needed. I have made two other bracelets from CGB before and they were both too huge.

    • katemckinnon
      May 10, 2018

      9 beads per side is a small size, as it clearly says in the sizing guide, and it is meant to fit a small hand in a narrow band. If a small size wants a tall bangle, then they will have to start with more beads per side. Period.

      The instructions are very clear about this. Beading 20 rounds of ANY zigged form is a heck of a lot before checking size!
      : )

      And the directions also clearly said to separate it at 6 rounds. So I’m not sure why you are surprised that you have a Rick-Rack to fit a Barbie doll. We have no idea how it would have fit you at 6 rounds, so why don’t you separate the Rick-Rack into two pieces. Snip it at the 6th round, and see how it fits. THEN we can talk.

  7. Pat Stuart
    April 10, 2018

    My cast is way too large. I know I can keep beading and make it taller, thus making the larger cast work. I know I can add a MRAW to it to pull it in. How weird is it to start decreasing every other zag on the opposite side that we started on? Or some other suggestions? I’m bored and want to start my real bracelet.

    • katemckinnon
      April 16, 2018

      Bored, what a concept. This is a lively technique, and the PodCast Bead you already have is more than ready to make you a Real Bangle.

      Why not cast off a bangle in exactly the size you want? You can easily intuit this from the one you did that was too large. Take a smaller bangle directly off of your PodCast by stopping short. You can turn around for your Decrease at any point in the line. How much too big is it?

      You should decrease your side count by either 1 or 2 beads, depending on how tall you want your Real Bangle to be. If you are unsure, please consult our Rick-Rack Sizing Charts, or email a photo of your pod with your bangle, and one of your bangle cast on your wrist.


  8. Claudia White
    April 4, 2018

    There is so much great information in the video. I look forward to others. The podcast is SOOOOOOO much easier than MRAW. Getting started on my next cast-off.

  9. Pat Stuart
    April 1, 2018

    Hi Kate, I just watched the video to make sure I understood how to make my cast. That part of the video was very helpful. However, the short part about the endless possibilities of adding increases to the inner corners of triangles blows my mind! I want to take all my triangle out that I made last year and play. Thank you. ( Do we need to keep any of those small inner triangles for future use- the ones made as a base for project t.b.a. In Vol. 3?)

  10. Linda Wahl
    March 31, 2018

    Loved it! Thanks.

    • katemckinnon
      April 2, 2018

      You can make a Kaleidocycle with 24 small triangles!

  11. Maryanne Gross
    March 30, 2018

    Loved video, Kate! I have one question related to sizing. We’ve established that with a 10 bead round I can make a taller rick-rack, how tall could I make it before I would have to go to an 11bead round? Or should I just try it on at say 2 inches?

    Thanks for all the time you’ve put into this project!

    • katemckinnon
      March 30, 2018

      It just depends on your hand size… at some point you reach the diameter of your folded hand and you can keep building at the same size. But I find that I have to go up about a bead an inch at 6 points.

  12. karenwdesigns
    March 30, 2018

    Love the video on Pod Cast. I wasn’t able to wrap my brain around the tutorial, but now I understand it. The video is very well made and your voice is clear and lovely. One suggestion: maybe have some close ups on the individual stitches, one or two, when the colors are close in range. When you changed to blue, it was easier to see the stitches. Thank you so much.

    • katemckinnon
      March 30, 2018

      Yes, I would love to. I was working alone to make that one, so it’s mostly just to get people going. Thanks for your feedback!

  13. Ruth McQuinn
    March 30, 2018

    I think this clarifies things in my poor little brain….!! I know where I’m going now. Also – love the tip about moving the stepping up. Thanks.
    Can I check, tho, when you say 10 beads per side, that’s starting from one of the herringbone increases, and all the ‘up’ peyote beads on that side? I stupidly, counted my increases on each point. I wasn’t really seeing the side as a side. May have to start again.

    • katemckinnon
      March 30, 2018

      Hi! Yes, please count the Increase beads on the side that they fall when counting our forms.

  14. Paula J Clouse
    March 30, 2018

    I’m still working on mine. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to get a MRAW started on an existing peyote. I gave up and I’m doing the reverse side like I would do a 3D shape, doing decreases where there was increases and vice versa. I haven’t exploded it yet. I wanted to see how far I could take it before I do. I know it’s going to be puffy but I kind of like that idea.

    • katemckinnon
      March 30, 2018

      To start MRAW off of peyote, first put three beads onto a peyote bead. This makes your first RAW cross. After that, pick up spacer, top bead, side bead and then GO THROUGH your existing bottom bead (next bead along in your peyote round) and the previous side bead (first side bead of your installed first RAW cross).

      Piece a cake.

      Skip the spacer when you finish the stitch, just like always.

      • Paula J Clouse
        March 30, 2018

        That’s what I tried but it didn’t look right. The beads weren’t “facing” the right way. For some reason the spacer bead didn’t set straight and the MRAW part looked funny because of the peyote bottom. I was certain I was doing something wrong and I didn’t want to ruin a beautiful Rick Rack. Next time I’ll stick with it. Thanks Kate you’re the best!

        • katemckinnon
          March 30, 2018

          It should look right IMMEDIATELY so yes, you were probably a bit off somewhere. I’ll do a quickie video of it and bang it up tomorrow. I’ve been wanting to anyway.

  15. Joanne M. Fiume
    March 29, 2018

    I’ve got my PodCast Bead and am ready to roll… soon as I have 45 minutes to watch. In the meantime, the photo explains how to do a simple Rick-Rack perfectly. How ingenious, and how wonderful of you to share….much thanks!

    • katemckinnon
      March 30, 2018

      The video is so long! I hope to do a professionally shot series of shorts, ten minutes each, to replace ALL of the current CGB videos.

  16. Corrine Marienthal
    March 29, 2018

    Sounds super to me, yes.

  17. Denise Prattson
    March 29, 2018

    Love the video. Thank you.

Please feel free to comment!


This entry was posted on March 29, 2018 by .
March 2018