an open source architectural beadwork project from Kate McKinnon and a worldwide team of innovators


Greetings, all, and apologies for my long silence.

It’s been a long recovery from being reinfected with COVID in November, and now fully eight months later I’m on a big medication (Dupixent) that is helping me function again. It’s fairly serious (the three asthma medicines alone cost $10,000 a month retail!) but I am able to work, which is a blessing.

I’m confident that I will finish our book and video series, but I am also pretty confident that it will be the last professional thing I am able to do. What a heartbreak that is; I come from people who live to be 100, and this was such an unnecessary end to my productivity. I’m thankful that I have medical insurance, and I wish everyone did. I wish the US had free healthcare for all, as so many are struggling.

I have to say that it’s shocking to see face masks being actually banned in some states, as wearing an N95 to avoid yet another infection is literally the only thing between me and a quick end- let me encourage you not to support these bans. COVID deaths are still high – it’s estimated that one in about 140 people has COVID right now in the US, and in Canada, one in 84. I met someone the other day who didn’t know that COVID was actually the SARS virus, and so that’s how you know rebranding works. Tens of millions are disabled, and you know, it makes me want to run around and tell everyone- get fit now while you can, because it’s one thing to go into disability fit and strong, and quite totally another to go in unfit or in poor condition… because being disabled is serious business and people need every advantage they can muster. As SARS cycles along, and everyone reinfects each other constantly with new variants, I would guess that many more will join me in mourning their active life gone too soon. I wish I could save them. There are a lot of people I wish I could save right now, to be honest, the state of the world right now is very difficult for any feeling being.

Anyway- I am not online very much right now, and am verrryy slow to answer emails, but I am able to finish my work, and I deeply appreciate those of you who are interested in the end result. Thank you. I miss some of you so much, I can’t even express it. How I wish we could sit down and bead and laugh together again! Fingers crossed.

Hyperbolic edges on a bangle by Joke van Biesen, this shape reminds me of my thoughts right now. Connected, but intricately folded…

One thing I have been able to do every day (even when I can’t communicate) is to be outside, and I’ve become one with the birds and the garden, planting seeds and watching them grow. A tiny, hungry stray cat seems to have adopted us, and I am feeding him; we named him Angelo. I haven’t put needle to bead in eight months, except for adding a ring of fierceness around my the throat of my Queen on the chessboard (I always play black, and we just take turns going first) but today, for the first time, I have my tray out to final-test one of our You Can Do It pages. I’ve had neurological issues post-COVID and while it might be difficult to notice by observing me, from inside it’s confusing, because some things are particularly difficult (planning or predicting) and other things are enhanced (imagination). Luckily I have a lot of brain and it’s busy rearranging itself to take up any remaining slack. I can read books again, which is a joy, and I’ve been re-reading my favorites in the past few months.

I hope to be able to post and chat more as I improve, and to get the reading copies of the Pattern Book cycling through the reviewers again- we have such a strong circle of pros polishing the work, it’s a joy to do it. My love to you, and I want to thank all of you who are rooting for me. Maybe if you believe in me as much as I am believing in myself, it will make the difference. I am especially grateful for Charles, who has never even thought of giving up on me, and I’ve leaned on that strength of conviction through this.

When it comes time to hit the press, I will definitely be taking all of you who have offered to help up on it- from final reads of the books to coming to Savannah to help me send out all of our first editions, we will do it all together. I hope to speak with you soon.

With love, Kate

About katemckinnon

Kate McKinnon has devoted herself to the study of how things are done, and how they could be done better.

39 comments on “Updates

  1. Lillian Tyson
    June 28, 2024

    Hello Kate,

    it is most unfortunate that you have had long covid. I am glad that you are recovered enough to be able to explain what you have been going through. It is difficult for those of us who have had little issue with it and have gotten vaccinated as soon as we could. It has been horrid for you to go through especially since you were just on the cusp of completing your massive project. Please take as much time as you need. I am sure it will be amazing when it is completed.

    Best wishes,

    (Lillian) Jane Tyson

    • katemckinnon
      June 28, 2024

      Thank you, Lillian- I had every vax and booster on time, but some people are simply more vulnerable to some viruses than others, you know how that goes. And people who are taken out by Long COVID may have been affected by our vaxxes too- it has to do with the way the body copes with things like spike proteins, etc. Blood type seems to be making a difference too, as does neurological “type”. For whatever reasons, neurodivergent females with A- blood types are one of the most affected groups, and I do fit those bins. I am sure we will learn more in the future about why some of us had our lives ruined while others just had small reactions and went on with life. The vaccines were never intended to stop infection, instead they were meant to prevent hospitalization/severe respiratory failures. It was very irresponsible of our government to say that anyone could “vax and relax”- that was always a lie, just like “kids won’t get it, don’t worry”. Anyone who has ever been a child or known a child could have predicted that schools would be our viral nodes now, keeping COVID moving through the population. New variants are made every day inside people, and spread to more people, animals, and can be found lurking in people’s brains, bodies, in our wastewater… it’s really still raging, all over the world, and that’s so unnecessary and sad.

      In addition to taking the vaccinations, I also masked with N95 wherever I went, had HEPA air cleaners in my house, stopped traveling, dining indoors, and have a COVID-safe policy with all of my friends and the very few necessary visitors to my home. I had a bad outcome from my first COVID infection and we knew what would happen if I was reinfected. Sadly, a colleague who was actually staying at my home in Savannah dropped her promised COVID-safe behaviors without telling me, and I was not masking inside our home, so I got reinfected and became very, very ill. It is almost impossible to forgive, to be honest.

  2. Paula J Clouse
    June 27, 2024

    Dear Sweet Kate,

    I’m glad that you are getting better even slowly. I have finished chemo and radiation treatments and have even picked up my beadwork again. Sending lots of hugs and love. Stay strong.


    • katemckinnon
      June 28, 2024

      I am so grateful to hear that Paula, and I am thinking of you with love and gratitude. Hugs.

  3. elaineclelland466
    June 27, 2024

    Kate, I am so sorry. I hope in time you’re able to recover and continue doing what you love and gives you joy. Sending healing energy and keeping you in my thoughts.


  4. Fiona White
    June 27, 2024

    Kate, I’m so sorry that you were reinfected. Masks are such a simple tool to help spread that virus. Hardly anyone is wearing them here (Melbourne, Australia).

    Sending you kind thoughts of shimmering, silvery ocean waves and the burbling of young Australian Magpies. From my garden to yours, may your worms get fatter and breed like crazy!

    With love and plenty of beady inspirations, Fiona White.

  5. Friderike Strassmann
    June 27, 2024

    Hi Kate, you are a fighter, no doubt! And not to give up mentally is surely one of big keys here. Having met in a moment of my life the extraordinary world of CGB through you and your wonderful team, that broadened my beading world extremely and influences my work again and again. Thankyou so much for that.

    Since english is not my mothertongue, i could’nt offer you help in reading. But if i could, i surely would do it.

    Big hug


  6. keduck67
    June 26, 2024

    Kate, thank you for sharing your story with us. I was shocked to read that long covid can cause so many types of debilitating issues. Hopes for great meds, good progress getting function back, and lots of hugs and support. -Kathryn

  7. Astrid
    June 26, 2024

    Dear Kate,

    You are a true inspiration. Stay Strong.


  8. tanbryn
    June 26, 2024

    I would be glad to help send out the books when it happens. Also read if you need it. I am not a pro but have been following and making many pieces. You and your group have been an inspiration in beading and persistence . Sending air hugs.🥰 Susan Bernard Knoxville, TN. 865-805-9349

    • katemckinnon
      June 26, 2024

      Thank you, Susan! People who follow and have beaded the pieces are wonderful reviewers, and I will put you on the Reader List.

      • tanbryn
        June 26, 2024

        Thank you. Susan

  9. ave359
    June 26, 2024

    like most if ur follower’s, wishes for speedy and good medication to get it going

  10. Melody
    June 26, 2024

    Dear Kate, I am sorry you have long Covid, as a fellow sufferer I understand the frustrations we now have on us. And the angst of not knowing where all this will lead. I miss my old active life but am coming to terms with what I can do. Beading is good for a low energy day as long as the brain is functioning high enough to remember where I am at. So find your small joys every day.

    like you I encourage all to mask when in closed or crowded areas, if not to protect yourself than to protect those who are at risk. If anyone has Long Covid I encourage them to look at for an opportunity to be in a treatment or study trial. I am in my second year and hope I can provide insight.

  11. beadygal
    June 26, 2024

    I am so anxious to receive the next book, and so sorry you have been struggling with what I am guessing is classified as Long Covid. If you are so inclined I would suggest you check out the FLCCC doctors. In particular Dr Pierre Kory , who has helped a lot of people with long covid. Also , much good information at Blessings, Lesley Sloane


  12. scotslady
    June 26, 2024

    So glad to hear you are feeling and doing better. YAY! Wishing continued improvement. Sending prayers and hugs.


  13. leayntab
    June 26, 2024

    Sending you so much love from Racine, Wisconsin, Kate. Rest up, heal up—you have already given so much to so many. Take care of you.

    XO —Leayn


  14. Anja Ruben-Askelid
    June 26, 2024

    Sorry to hear you are still struggling. I am one of the few in S California that is still wearing a mask. I am immunosuppresive and do not want to get Covid. Being an RN (now retired) I know how ignorent and non compliant most peope are. I do hope you will get better. I am looking forward to the new book whenever it will be ready.


  15. annaparadox
    June 26, 2024

    Believing in you with every energy in my possession!

    May you emerge strong and ready to lay that strength to the causes of peace and creation.

    Maskedly yours,


  16. amybeader
    June 26, 2024

    Oh Kate, all I can say is HUGS!

  17. Cathy Atwood
    June 26, 2024

    thanks for sharing your wisdom, creativity, and so much more!

  18. laffbyrd
    June 26, 2024

    I’m old and slow, but very steady. Any help I can give is yours. I am in Wa state, so a ways away but I can proof etc. Love and wishes for your continual improvement!

    • katemckinnon
      June 26, 2024

      Your perspective will be greatly valuable! I will put you on my Reader List!\
      Hugs, Kate

  19. Breda Sleator Hogan
    June 26, 2024

    so sorry to read you have been so unwell and for so long.. take care and take it easy you’ll get there💪🌷

    best wishes


  20. Lynn M. Kordus
    June 26, 2024

    I am so sorry to hear that your challenges continue. You are a strong woman and you will not only survive this, but you will flourish and come out the other side even stronger.

    Lynn Kordus

  21. Sil
    June 26, 2024

    Dear Kate, May you be granted a complete healing.

    All the best,


    June 26, 2024

    Hang tough, girl. You are an amazing woman and you have inspired so many bead artists.

    Sending lots of positive energy to you.

  23. Barbara Marie
    June 26, 2024

    Dear Kate… You’re too talented and too young to live with this pattern of thought. Please watch this entire series today and strongly consider purchasing the program which includes audios to implement the information into your thought processes. Wishing you total wellness. 💝 Your gifts and talents are still needed. Warm regards,Barbara 

    • katemckinnon
      June 26, 2024

      Oh, Barbara, I wish there was another interpretation, and maybe I will get lucky, but as it turns out COVID is much like HIV, and some people are simply genetically luckier than others. Viruses like SARS, HIV and all of the herpes viruses, once caught, live in the body forever, and can re-activate at any time. In some of us (the unlucky ones) the virus either stays active, or causes such immune dysregulation that the body cannot get a break long enough to do repair. I am in the latter category, and within that category, I am outshining all expectations.

      My specific problem is SARS-derived runaway inflammation, and it is an autoimmune failure; my own immune system is ceaselessly producing eosinophils, which cause severe inflammation (which causes eosinophilic asthma, destroys internal organs, causes neural damage, nerve damage, vascular damage, and a host of other really bad things). Until the cytokine storms and rushes of eosinophils can be slowed/stopped, the body is under massive attack.

      If positive thinking or healthy behaviors could have turned this around without the medicines, by God I would have done it; I tried everything in my power to heal without the steroids and Dupixent but it was simply not possible. I waited until the last possible moment when my counts were so high my docs, who allowed me a lot of headway to recover, said “Look, this is it. If you don’t take these meds you may never recover.” My body MAY recover function while on the medications and if it does, hallelujah, but I have been told that some patients must remain on the meds for the rest of their lives, which are likely to be shortened by a decade or more.

      I have already sustained damage to my lungs, to my brain, and hopefully it stops there. I have a healthy, organic diet, I am an athlete (well, I hope to be an athlete again if the Dupixent holds), I do yoga and breathing exercises, and to say I have a positive, forward outlook would be putting it mildly. I am a fighter. I will not recover what I have lost neurologically, but it is *possible* that I can re-route and re-build. I just had my 61st birthday, so sadly not perhaps as young as you think I am. It can be hard to rebuild older brains but if anyone can do it it’s me.

      I appreciate your information, and your good wishes. Kate

  24. jobipcates
    June 26, 2024

    I love you. You continue to inspire and be a comfort to me.


    div>My husband wheeled me down to my favorite birding beach

  25. Shirley I Wood
    June 26, 2024

    Kate i have a beading friend who has gone through this, what a terrible time. Praying you recover soon and completely, love all your designs

  26. April Ann Smith
    June 26, 2024

    I wish I could do more (actually, something, anything) to help you. All I can do is send you good, strong positive thoughts and so that is what I will do. Take care of yourself and enjoy what you can enjoy.

  27. Cappy Bradshaw
    June 26, 2024

    My heart goes out to you! Here’s hoping the future holds full recovery! Cappy

  28. Jo
    June 26, 2024

    Having a disability myself I know how dangerous the first wave was and with it mutating all the times we can never truly be immune.

    I’m so sorry that you have been hit – they still let us wear masks but I see less and less doing so.

    Sending healing thought and positivity that you will be better very soon.

    Big hugs Jo x

  29. rjwebster14
    June 26, 2024

    Great to hear from you! Sometimes, one day at a time, other times, one hour at a time. Your fighting spirit is an inspiration.

  30. Suzanne Golden
    June 26, 2024

    I ams o sorry to read about your health problems. Covid is not ajoke and the after effects are terrible.

    Wishing you much better health and back to your creative self as soon as possible.



  31. whatnext2013
    June 26, 2024

    Hi Kate


    div dir=”ltr”>I know life isnt fair but just the same it seems so hugely unfair for you to have suffered so much from COVID.  For you to not have been ab

    June 26, 2024

    Dear Kate,

    I can only imagine how awful you have been feeling. Sure hope you recover quickly and fully. The word needs you!

    Much love,


  33. barjeaw
    June 26, 2024

    Dear Kate, I feel for you. You are such a wonderful, caring and talented woman, and I sincerely hope you recover soon and I wish you the very best of luck.
    Kind regards


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This entry was posted on June 26, 2024 by .


June 2024